Vision & Mission

To improve the quality of individual as well as societal life by means of quality education with embedded employable skills. Education for the Good Life will be pursued, in every action and intent of the University, with an inalienable attitude of respect to the interdependence and integration of knowledge and skills at every level of engagement.

Skill Development

To improve the quality of individuals as human beings, education can only be teamed with sports that can inculcate better approach towards life - this led SSU to come up with Seacom Sports Academy (SSA) that aims to becoming a leader in Sports Training in India - a hub of “Skill Development” of local, regional and national significance; and a renowned Center of Excellence for Sports.

Our Team

The coaching team comprises of a group of experienced former players, who are experts in technical, tactical and psychological training The coaching team works hard ensuring individual attention to each student.


    Seacom Sports Academy
    JL - Jaladhulagori
    Via Andul Mouri, Sankrail
    District : Howrah
    West Bengal
    Pin :711302
    Phone : 08981024701 /2